NTA Tooting will be the church ‘where no one stands alone’. We will do life together. We will build together (build up). We will grow together (grow up). We will show our love for God and our neighbour as we serve together (show up). We will strive to serve God right.
Grace and peace. Pastor Andrew Wignal and Revd Allicia Wignal, Senior Pastor and First Lady
Weekly Service Times
Sunday Service
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Every Sunday
Midweek Gatherings
Prayer Meeting - Tues 7PM (Zoom)
Early Morning Prayer - Wed 6AM (YouTube)
Prayer & Fasting - Wed 12:00NOON (In Person)
Give online
Online Giving provides a convenient way to make financial contributions, donations and tithes to the church.
You can also pay by direct debit, standing order and over the counter using the details below
Lloyds Bank,
NTA England Tooting
Acct: 00139118 | Sort: 30-96-07
(Please use your first initial and surname as reference)